在切空间中,上述容器被打翻,再由关切的手一件件挂在图板上。文章的内容碎片与读者留下的时空之门横向并置;而穿梭于行与行之间的项目,完成了对单一引力的逃逸,以漂浮或被捕获的方式建立起两行之间的联系。半个世纪前的某个清晨,在夏威夷瓦基基岛的天空中,S-IVB 火箭第二次点火:阿波罗 8 号完成地月转移,飞向月球。
On the Essays page, the reader “touches” the text by attaching hyperlinks of a book, an image, a video, etc. The formatted article is like an archival box full of folders, metrically documenting these “tangents” between the lines.
In the Tangent Space, the “boxes” are knocked over and carefully reorchestrated as a dynamic “atlas.” The visual and textual fragments from the essays are juxtaposed horizontally with links left by readers. The item that travels vertically escapes from the gravity of its row’s definition. Either as a floating agent or as a recaptured satellite, it establishes contact between two rows. Half a century ago, in the predawn sky south of Waikiki, Hawaiian Islands, the S-IVB rocket ignited for the second time: Apollo 8 completed its trans-lunar injection and travelled to the Moon.